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            Contact us

            Telephone of Domestic Sales Department: +86-734-8123488, 8833388-606

            Telephone of Foreign Trade Department: +86-734-8812599, 8855599-611


            Website: www.sitepig.com

            E-mail: lps@vip.163.com

            Address: Floor 19, Jinzhao Building, Zhengxiang District, Hengyang City, Hunan Province, China

            Zip code: 421001

            CONTACT US
            Telephone of Domestic Sales Department:
            +86-734-8123488, 8833388-606
            Telephone of Foreign Trade Department:
            +86-734-8812599, 8855599-611
            Fax: +86-734-8124488 Email: lps@vip.163.com
            Address: Floor 19, Jinzhao Building, Zhengxiang District, Hengyang City, Hunan Province, China
            Copyright(C)2020, Hengyang Yuxing Chemical Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Supported by  ChemNet ChinaChemNet Toocle
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